Office for sale
7 Land Of Green Ginger, Hull, East Riding Of Yorkshire HU1
* Calls to this number will be recorded for quality, compliance and training purposes.
Property features
- Freehold office available subject to vacant possession.
- Business not affected due to relocation.
- Situated in the heart of Hull's Old Town with popular postal address.
- Suitable for redevelopment subject to planning.
- Planning Ref. 23/02836/full application submitted to convert to 3 x 2 bed residential apartments.
Property description
The property comprises of a red brick 3 storey office under a pitched tiled roof with the ground, first and second floors consisting of various sized offices with a substantial basement used for archive storage. The premises is currently being utilized by Brewer Wallace Solicitors with the firm due to relocate to Parliament Street where the business is not affected, leaving the premises available with vacant possession. The Vendor has submitted planning application to the Hull City Council, Planning Ref: 23/02836/full, to convert the building from Class E Use to 3 x 2 bed residential apartments under C3 Use Class.
Property info
* Sizes listed are approximations. Please contact the agent to verify actual sizes.
For more information about this property, please contact
Garness Jones, HU1 on +44 1482 763794 * (local rate)
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