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Retail premises for sale

£1,000,000 (£240.62/sq. ft) Offers in region of

Marston Road, Fancy Walk And Wright Street, Stafford ST16

Retail premises for sale From 4,156 - 5,259 sq. ft*
Interested in this property? Call +44 1785 292801 * or Request Details

* Calls to this number will be recorded for quality, compliance and training purposes.

Property description


Property 1 - Workshop and Yard to Rear of 24 Marston Road and with Access from Wright Street
Gated yard together with two separate, single storey buildings currently used for storage purpose and with internal floor areas of 2,600 (241.5 sq.m.) and 1014 sq.ft. (94.2 sq.m.)

The total yard area extends to 0.17 acres (0.07 Ha)

We are advised that there is a right of way over the yard in favour of the owners of an adjoining property.

Property 2 - 25-27 Marston Road Showroom Premises with Ancillary Offices, Workshop, Storage and Toilets

Frontage to Marston Road with rear vehicular access from Wright Street.

Two storey, traditional frontage with single storey rear extension and separate store.

Total floor area 4156 sq.ft. (386.0 sq.m.)

Property 3 - Showroom at Fancy Walk

Modern showroom premises with access from both Fancy Walk and Wright Street spread over two floors and including small, open, rear yard.

The ground floor extends to 5259 sq.ft. (488.6 sq.m.). The first floor extends to 2937 sq.ft. (272.8 sq.m.)

The attached plan shows edged red our understanding of the extent of the whole property, subject to confirmation by solicitors. The property includes a public walkway leading from Marston Road to Wright Street.

Rates: The Valuation Office website gives two assessments for the property:-

Property 1 rv £17,000 with effect 1 April 2023.
Property 2/3 rv £40,250 with effect 1 April 2023.

This information should be confirmed with Stafford bc.


Property 1 Mains water together with sewer connection.
Properties 2 and 3 Mains gas, water, electricity and drainage.

None of the services have been either inspected or tested.

Disposal: The property is offered for sale as whole or in three parts as follows:-

The property is offered for sale as whole or in three parts as follows:-

Property 1 – Offers in the region of £220,000 for the freehold interest with vacant possession on completion.

Property 2 – Offers in the region of £350,000 for the freehold interest with vacant possession on completion.

Property 3 – Offers in the region of £650,000 for the freehold interest with vacant possession on completion.

Whole property – Offers in the region of £1,000,000 for the freehold interest with vacant possession on completion.

Property info

* Sizes listed are approximations. Please contact the agent to verify actual sizes.

Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Chivers Commercial, ST16 on +44 1785 292801 * (local rate)

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