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4 bed terraced house for sale


Leven Street, Middlesbrough TS1

4 bed terraced house for sale 4 3 1
Interested in this property? Call +44 1642 966846 * or Request Details

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Property features

  • Cash buyers only!
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathrooms

Property description

Please welcome Leven Street, TS1, to the market.
Cash buyers only!
This property is the ideal investment for anyone looking to expand their portfolio. With a 10 minute walk to Teesside University, we have students looking to rent properties like this.
At present three rooms are occupied with couples and the owner self manages it.
The three rooms which are occupied generates an income of £1525pcm in rent.
* Downstairs bedroom with ensuite pay £550pcm
* Upstairs bedroom with ensuite pay £600pcm
* Single room pays £375pcm
To enquire about this property or to arrange a viewing please call us on . Please note this is available to cash buyers only.
Information provided in any property details/descriptions are for general guidance purposes only, and it is recommended that all interested parties seek professional advice and conduct thorough investigations to verify the accuracy of the details provided.

Bedroom 1 (3.53m x 3.36m)

Bedroom 2 (3.5m x 2.5m)

Bedroom 3 (4.5m x 3.54m)

Bedroom 4 (3.9m x 3.3m)

Bedroom 5 (3.5m x 3.5m)

Bathroom (2.2m x 1.88m)

Kitchen (2.75m x 2.17m)


Disclaimer: All information provided by Ashbrookes is deemed reliable and is taken in good faith from the vendor. However, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Prospective buyers are strongly advised to carry out their own due diligence through their solicitors to confirm the accuracy of the information provided and to obtain an independent survey. Intending purchasers will be required to produce identification documentation at a later stage, and we kindly ask for your cooperation to ensure there is no delay in agreeing to the sale. Please note that we have not tested the services or any of the equipment or appliances in this property. Therefore, we strongly advise prospective buyers to commission their own survey or service reports before finalizing their offer to purchase.

Property info

Floorplan(s): Floorplan

Floorplan View original

Property value data/graphs for TS1

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £398,479 - 3.7 -
Semi-detached £114,180 - 3.7 £77,399
Terraced £135,972 £76 2.6 £61,850
Flats £111,586 - 1.8 £56,900

Current asking prices in TS1

Average: £117,567
Avg. current asking prices in TS1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses - £76,172
Flats £44,333
- - £290,000
All £44,333

Current asking rents in TS1

Average: £594 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in TS1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £410 pcm
£606 pcm
£772 pcm
£771 pcm
£589 pcm
Flats £421 pcm
£780 pcm
- £1,200 pcm
All £415 pcm
£653 pcm
£772 pcm
£789 pcm
£589 pcm

Fun facts for TS1

Highest value in TS1
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Borough Road £163,914
Croydon Road £163,010
Linthorpe Road £155,012
Albert Terrace £136,813
Constantine Court £108,197
Highest turnover in TS1
Highest turnover streets Turnover
Harewood Street 31.2%
Finsbury Street 26.8%
Enfield Street 24.3%
Selbourne Street 23.1%
Cadogan Street 22.2%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Ashbrookes Ltd, TS1 on +44 1642 966846 * (local rate)

Monthly running costs Beta

£662 Monthly total


Purchase price
Deposit (10%) 10,000
Repayment term 25
Interest rate 2.0
Your payment £381 /mo How Much Could I Borrow

These results are not provided by NatWest and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.


Gas £41 Electricity £60 Estimated energy cost £101/mo How Much Could I Save? In partnership with uSwitch
Energy costs explained

The estimated energy cost for this property has been calculated using actual energy usage data for a property of this type, number of bedrooms and region.

Estimated consumption

Gas: 18400 kWh/year
Electricity: 4300 kWh/year

Source: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework

Council Tax

Local authority


Estimated tax band B Council tax cost £138 /mo
when paid over 10 months
Council tax costs explained

The Council Tax cost displayed is based on the council tax band and on the basis of 2 adults living at the property. The monthly cost shown excludes any discounts and is rounded to the nearest pound.

Full information on Council Tax discount entitlements can be found on the Gov.UK’s website.


Supply £20 Sewerage £22 Estimated water cost £42 /mo
Water costs explained

Water consumption is based on average water usage for the predicted occupancy of the property based on the number of bedrooms.

Total annual consumption (in cubic meters) is then averaged into a monthly cost.

Note: If you have 2 separate suppliers for water and sewage, you may receive 2 separate bills.

Contact Ashbrookes Ltd about this property

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Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Ashbrookes Ltd, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Ashbrookes Ltd for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.

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