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Studio for sale


Victoria Road, Swindon SN1

Studio for sale 1 1
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Property features

  • Basement Level
  • Beautifully Presented
  • Re-fitted Kitchen
  • Re-fitted Bathroom
  • Enclosed Garden
  • No Onward Chain
  • Old Town Location
  • Must View Property

Property description

A rare opportunity to acquire this ground floor studio apartment located in the very popular old town area, which is offered with No Onward Chain. The property is on the lower ground floor and boasts an enclosed garden to the rear. Call today to view on !

A rare opportunity to acquire this ground floor studio apartment located in the very popular old town area, which is offered with No Onward Chain. The property is on the lower ground floor and boast a enclosed garden to the rear. The current owner and tenants have cared for the property with the additions of a modern kitchen and bathroom mixed with decorative stone pillars. This property would make an ideal first time purchase or investment.

The accommodation offers a communal entrance hall, entrance porch leading downstairs to the 14 ft living area, 9 ft bedroom area, 9 ft kitchen and bathroom. Outside is the enclosed garden which is mostly laid to lawn with patio area.

Entrance Hall
Stairs leading to the flat.

Lounge 12' x 10' ( 3.66m x 3.05m )
Rear aspect window and a radiator

Kitchen 9' 11" x 7' 10" ( 3.02m x 2.39m )
Fitted kitchen comprising of a range of wall and base units, single bowl sink and drainer, integrated, oven, hob, extractor hood, space for a washing machine and a fridge/ freezer, radiator, rear aspect window and door to the side.

Bedroom 14' 1" x 9' 10" ( 4.29m x 3.00m )
Open to the lounge and a radiator.

Fitted suite with a mixer tap bath with shower over, wash hand basin with a vanity unit, W/C, extractor fan and a heated towel rail.

Laid to lawn and gravel.

We currently hold lease details as displayed above, should you require further information please contact the branch. Please note additional fees could be incurred for items such as leasehold packs.

1. Money laundering regulations: Intending purchasers will be asked to produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for your co-operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2. General: While we endeavour to make our sales particulars fair, accurate and reliable, they are only a general guide to the property and, accordingly, if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact the office and we will be pleased to check the position for you, especially if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
3. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must be considered incorrect.
4. Services: Please note we have not tested the services or any of the equipment or appliances in this property, accordingly we strongly advise prospective buyers to commission their own survey or service reports before finalising their offer to purchase.
5. These particulars are issued in good faith but do not constitute representations of fact or form part of any offer or contract. The matters referred to in these particulars should be independently verified by prospective buyers or tenants. Neither sequence (UK) limited nor any of its employees or agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

Property info

Floorplan(s): Floorplan 1

View original

Property value data/graphs for SN1

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £407,023 £265 3.8 £414,570
Semi-detached £308,706 £239 3.2 £325,117
Terraced £309,556 £228 2.7 £233,330
Flats £185,428 £227 1.7 £162,906

Current asking prices in SN1

Average: £249,454
Avg. current asking prices in SN1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £152,500
Flats £108,841
- -
All £110,739

Current asking rents in SN1

Average: £1,142 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in SN1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £749 pcm
£1,106 pcm
£1,297 pcm
£2,064 pcm
Flats £892 pcm
£1,728 pcm
£1,400 pcm
- -
All £851 pcm
£1,475 pcm
£1,315 pcm
£2,064 pcm

Fun facts for SN1

Highest value in SN1
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Field Rise £753,186
Westlecot Road £727,099
Tithe Barn Crescent £550,940
Croft Road £512,664
Galen View £457,611
Highest turnover in SN1
Highest turnover streets Turnover
Ewden Close 68.8%
Station Approach 54.5%
Dunsley Vale 52.0%
Cannon Street 50.0%
Kingshill Road 41.2%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Allen & Harris - Swindon, SN1 on +44 1793 937131 * (local rate)

Monthly running costs Beta

£659 Monthly total


Purchase price
Deposit (10%) 12,700
Repayment term 25
Interest rate 2.0
Your payment £484 /mo How Much Could I Borrow

These results are not provided by NatWest and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Home Insurance

Contents value up to £80,000 Average insurance cost £4/mo (£47/yr)
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Home insurance costs explained

Home Insurance is based on the average price of a building and contents quote for a property in this area in the last 48 months.

Source: Autonet Insurance Ltd


Gas £16 Electricity £30 Estimated energy cost £46/mo

Similar properties could save up to £146

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Energy costs explained

The estimated energy cost for this property has been calculated using actual energy usage data for a property of this type, number of bedrooms and region.

Estimated consumption

Gas: 5700 kWh/year
Electricity: 2000 kWh/year

Source: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework

Council Tax

Local authority


Estimated tax band A Council tax cost £106 /mo
when paid over 10 months
Council tax costs explained

The Council Tax cost displayed is based on the council tax band and on the basis of 2 adults living at the property. The monthly cost shown excludes any discounts and is rounded to the nearest pound.

Full information on Council Tax discount entitlements can be found on the Gov.UK’s website.


Supply £9 Sewerage £10 Estimated water cost £19 /mo
Water costs explained

Water consumption is based on average water usage for the predicted occupancy of the property based on the number of bedrooms.

Total annual consumption (in cubic meters) is then averaged into a monthly cost.

Note: If you have 2 separate suppliers for water and sewage, you may receive 2 separate bills.

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Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Allen & Harris - Swindon, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Allen & Harris - Swindon for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.

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