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4 bed semi-detached house for sale

£575,000 Guide price

Windsor Road, Harrow HA3

4 bed semi-detached house for sale 4 2 2
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Property features

  • Private garden
  • Off street parking

Property description

Three bedroom - semi-detached house - freehold - off street parking. We are delighted to bring this well-maintained three- to four-bedroom family home to the market. The property briefly consists of a lounge/diner, an extended kitchen, a storm porch, three-four bedrooms, and a family bathroom and downstairs WC. Further benefits include double glazing, gas central heating, and a large rear garden. Viewings are available now so call to arrange yours!
Floorplan(s): Floorplan 1

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Property value data/graphs for HA3

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £1,058,135 £447 3.9 £942,736
Semi-detached £622,995 £426 3.5 £598,813
Terraced £574,632 £423 3.1 £532,511
Flats £322,482 £437 1.8 £294,721

Current asking prices in HA3

Average: £562,313
Avg. current asking prices in HA3
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £181,250
Flats £234,962
- -
All £231,320

Current asking rents in HA3

Average: £2,014 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in HA3
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £965 pcm
£2,058 pcm
£2,362 pcm
£3,358 pcm
£4,166 pcm
Flats £1,284 pcm
£2,040 pcm
£2,030 pcm
£2,698 pcm
All £1,214 pcm
£2,042 pcm
£2,291 pcm
£3,301 pcm
£4,166 pcm

Fun facts for HA3

Highest value in HA3
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Old Redding £1,867,403
Lavender Gardens £1,492,532
Bellfield Avenue £1,364,831
West Drive £1,284,743
West Drive Gardens £1,086,118
Highest turnover in HA3
Highest turnover streets Turnover
All Saints Mews 35.3%
Draycott Avenue 34.1%
Winston Court 30.0%
Wynchgate 27.6%
Colmer Place 25.0%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Sn Lettings, WD6 on +44 20 8115 2167 * (local rate)

Monthly running costs Beta

£2,588 Monthly total


Purchase price
Deposit (10%) 57,500
Repayment term 25
Interest rate 2.0
Your payment £2,193 /mo How Much Could I Borrow

These results are not provided by NatWest and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Home Insurance

Rebuild value up to £750,000 Contents value up to £75,000 Average insurance cost £35/mo (£423/yr)
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Home insurance costs explained

Home Insurance is based on the average price of a building and contents quote for a property in this area in the last 48 months.

Source: Autonet Insurance Ltd


Gas £52 Electricity £73 Estimated energy cost £125/mo

Similar properties could save up to £308

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Energy costs explained

The estimated energy cost for this property has been calculated using actual energy usage data for a property of this type, number of bedrooms and region.

Estimated consumption

Gas: 23800 kWh/year
Electricity: 5400 kWh/year

Source: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework

Council Tax

Local authority


Estimated tax band E Council tax cost £199 /mo
when paid over 10 months
Council tax costs explained

The Council Tax cost displayed is based on the council tax band and on the basis of 2 adults living at the property. The monthly cost shown excludes any discounts and is rounded to the nearest pound.

Full information on Council Tax discount entitlements can be found on the Gov.UK’s website.


Supply £19 Sewerage £17 Estimated water cost £36 /mo
Water costs explained

Water consumption is based on average water usage for the predicted occupancy of the property based on the number of bedrooms.

Total annual consumption (in cubic meters) is then averaged into a monthly cost.

Note: If you have 2 separate suppliers for water and sewage, you may receive 2 separate bills.

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Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Sn Lettings, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Sn Lettings for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.

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