3 bed flat to rent
Garden Flat, Trull Road, Taunton TA1
* Calls to this number will be recorded for quality, compliance and training purposes.
Property features
- A charming and spacious ground floor flat
- Situated in the highly sought after Trull Road
- Well presented throughout
- Good sized living room/dining room
- Three bedrooms
- Fitted kitchen
- Brand new Bathroom
- Rear enclosed garden
- Off road parking space
- Optional garden maintenance within the rent
Property description
This well-proportioned and spacious garden flat is situated within this most attractive building on the highly favoured south side of the Town. It is ideally positioned for those seeking a property close to Musgrove Park Hospital and the Town Centre.
The flat offers adaptable accommodation, off road parking and an enclosed garden. Briefly, the accommodation comprises;
Entrance hall, spacious living room, kitchen, two double bedrooms, one single bedroom and a brand new bathroom.
The property is being offered with the option to include a professional gardener within the rent, this would include regular maintenance of the shrubs and borders of the rear garden, the tenants would need to maintain the lawn. This is optional, tenants can choose to undertake their own gardening or employ their own professional.
No small children, no sharers, no smokers. Boiler room (leading off bathroom) must not be used for storage. Use of this room is not included in the tenancy and only access is permitted for the boiler.
Heating; Gas central heating.
Construction; Traditional Construction.
Services; Main services of gas, electricity, water and drainage are connected. Water is metered.
The options of standard, superfast and ultra-fast broadband are available in the area and to the property.
For an indication of broadband speeds available please refer to the 'Ofcom checker' website.
Mobile phone coverage
There is mobile phone coverage in the area and at the property, although limited coverage with some providers– for further information on coverage please refer to the 'Ofcom checker' website or your individual mobile phone provider.
Please note Tenants cannot run / register a business from this property.
Agent notes:
Rent: £1200pcm payable in advance
Tenancy Deposit: £1380 payable in advance and to be held with the dps. Holding Deposit per tenancy: £270. Affordability £36,000 pa
Rent to include garden maintenance : £1250pcm payable in advance
Tenancy Deposit: £1440 payable in advance and to be held with the dps. Holding Deposit per tenancy: £280. Affordability £37,500 pa
Minimum Tenancy length: 12 months
Property managed by: Ware and Company
Click 'Tenancy Info' for full information of permitted payments.
EPC Rating D
Council Tax band B
Council tax charges for 2024 / 25 - £1,871.62 pa*
*Single occupancy and other discounted rates may apply
Property info
Property value data/graphs for TA1
Property type | Avg. current value | Avg. £ per sq ft. | Avg. # beds | Avg. £ paid (last 12m) |
Detached | £426,973 | £240 | 3.7 | £408,256 |
Semi-detached | £316,204 | £212 | 3.1 | £289,178 |
Terraced | £291,353 | £202 | 2.7 | £230,258 |
Flats | £225,837 | £224 | 1.8 | £157,427 |
Current asking prices in TA1
Average: £282,710Property type | 1 bed | 2 beds | 3 beds | 4 beds | 5 beds |
Houses |
£138,333 (3) |
£240,301 (26) |
£306,182 (44) |
£437,550 (30) |
£715,773 (11) |
Flats |
£151,866 (38) |
£206,786 (63) |
£260,000 (1) |
- | - |
All |
£150,876 (41) |
£216,577 (89) |
£305,156 (45) |
£437,550 (30) |
£715,773 (11) |
Current asking rents in TA1
Average: £1,292 pcmProperty type | 1 bed | 2 beds | 3 beds | 4 beds | 5 beds |
Houses |
£524 pcm (1) |
£1,132 pcm (3) |
£1,369 pcm (10) |
£1,696 pcm (4) |
- |
Flats |
£1,100 pcm (12) |
£1,487 pcm (8) |
- | - | - |
All |
£1,056 pcm (13) |
£1,391 pcm (11) |
£1,369 pcm (10) |
£1,696 pcm (4) |
- |
Fun facts for TA1
Highest value streets | Zed-Index |
Fons George Road | £768,570 |
Batts Park | £725,468 |
Copper Beeches | £719,747 |
Queens Drive | £682,717 |
Belmont Drive | £559,625 |
Highest turnover streets | Turnover |
Raps Close | 50.0% |
Noble Street | 47.6% |
Birch Grove | 45.5% |
French Weir Close | 44.4% |
Wheatleigh Close | 41.7% |
For more information about this property, please contact
Ware & Co, TA1 on +44 1823 429175 * (local rate)
Monthly running costs Beta
Gas £27 Electricity £49 Estimated energy cost £76/moSimilar properties could save up to £170
How Much Could I Save?The estimated energy cost for this property has been calculated using actual energy usage data for a property of this type, number of bedrooms and region.
Estimated consumption
Gas: 10200 kWh/year
Electricity: 3300 kWh/year
Source: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework
Council Tax
Local authority
Taunton Deane
Estimated tax band B Council tax cost £121 /mowhen paid over 10 months
The Council Tax cost displayed is based on the council tax band and on the basis of 2 adults living at the property. The monthly cost shown excludes any discounts and is rounded to the nearest pound.
Full information on Council Tax discount entitlements can be found on the Gov.UK’s website.
Supply £26 Sewerage £25 Estimated water cost £51 /moWater consumption is based on average water usage for the predicted occupancy of the property based on the number of bedrooms.
Total annual consumption (in cubic meters) is then averaged into a monthly cost.
Note: If you have 2 separate suppliers for water and sewage, you may receive 2 separate bills.
Rental cost £1,200 /mo Additional one-off fees also applyCould you afford to buy?
Paying a mortgage can sometimes cost less than renting. Use this calculator to work out what properties you could afford to buy for the same monthly amount you'd pay in rent.
These results are not provided by money.co.uk and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.
Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Ware & Co, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Ware & Co for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.