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Parking/garage to rent

£100 pcm (£23 pw)

Conduit Place, London W2

Parking/garage to rent

Property description

Allocated parking spot with a locked parking post on Conduit Place, Paddington

Property info

  • Unfurnished

Property value data/graphs for W2

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £7,529,938 £2,212 4.9 £3,375,000
Semi-detached £4,210,461 £1,345 4.5 £3,637,500
Terraced £2,600,275 £1,338 3.6 £2,823,856
Flats £1,089,293 £1,205 2.0 £1,414,023

Current asking prices in W2

Average: £1,636,809
Avg. current asking prices in W2
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £442,250
Flats £683,667
All £680,900

Current asking rents in W2

Average: £5,813 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in W2
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £3,383 pcm
£5,855 pcm
£9,085 pcm
£11,463 pcm
£17,891 pcm
Flats £3,401 pcm
£5,147 pcm
£8,094 pcm
£11,650 pcm
£15,043 pcm
All £3,400 pcm
£5,176 pcm
£8,133 pcm
£11,604 pcm
£16,596 pcm

Fun facts for W2

Highest value in W2
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Lancaster Gate £3,987,693
Albion Close £3,483,292
Radnor Place £3,149,018
Bark Place £3,110,567
Albion Street £2,976,423
Highest turnover in W2
Highest turnover streets Turnover
Frederick Close 50.0%
Fulton Mews 40.0%
St. Stephens Mews 30.8%
Northumberland Place 23.1%
Radnor Place 21.4%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Kravens, W2 on +44 20 8128 4464 * (local rate)

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