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5 bed terraced house to rent

£2,825 pcm (£652 pw)

Monks Road, Coventry CV1

5 bed terraced house to rent 5 5 1
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Property features

  • Five Double Bedrooms
  • Close To Coventry City Centre
  • Based Over Three Floors
  • Low Maintenance Garden
  • Ground Floor Bathroom

Property description

Available start September...... All rooms en-suite..... Bills inclusive......TV in each room..... A top end student property located very close to Coventry University. Comprising of five good sized bedrooms with en-suites, ground floor WC, open plan lounge and kitchen, rear garden with option of gated parking. There's TV's and desks in each room and the property comes fully furnished.

Front Garden

Having walled foregarden and laid mainly to slabs. Step up to the front door and through the front door into the:

Entrance Hallway

Having stairs off to the first floor and door leading off to:

Bedroom One (3.40m x 2.46m (11'2 x 8'1))

Having PVCu double glazed window to the front elevation.

Communal Area (3.68m x 3.38m (12'1 x 11'1))

Having PVCu double glazed window to the rear elevation, under stairs storage and further door that leads to the:

Kitchen (3.81m' x 1.93m (12'6' x 6'4))

Having a PVCu double glazed window to the side elevation, a range of wall, base and drawer units with roll top work surface over, breakfast bar, further space for seating, space for a fridge freezer, space and plumbing for a washing machine and tiling to all splash prone areas. A further opening leads to the:

Inner Lobby

Having the back door that leads to the rear garden area and further door that leads to the:

Family Bathroom (3.25m x 3.07m (10'8 x 10'1))

Having a PVCu double obscure glazed window to the side elevation, panel bath with shower over, low level flush WC, pedestal wash hand basin and tiling to all splash prone areas.

First Floor Landing

Having balustrade, cupboard stairs to the third floor, storage cupboard and doors leading off to:

Bedroom Two (3.56m x 3.40m (11'8 x 11'2))

Having a PVCu double glazed window to the front elevation.

Bedroom Three (3.56m x 2.97m (11'8 x 9'9))

Having a PVCu double glazed window to the rear elevation.

Bedroom Four (4.67m x 3.56m (15'4 x 11'8))

Accessed via a door from the landing on the first floor and being of open plan design with a PVCu double glazed window to the rear elevation.

Rear Garden

Having walled perimeter, pedestrian gate to the rear and mainly laid to paving.

Property info

27 Monks Road Floorplan.Jpg View original

Property value data/graphs for CV1

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £364,434 £143 3.6 £300,000
Semi-detached £319,799 £164 3.3 £188,375
Terraced £244,222 £158 2.9 £177,885
Flats £166,439 £202 1.8 £132,959

Current asking prices in CV1

Average: £210,434
Avg. current asking prices in CV1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £285,000
Flats £128,925
- -
All £136,357

Current asking rents in CV1

Average: £1,240 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in CV1
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £555 pcm
£1,024 pcm
£1,219 pcm
£1,742 pcm
£2,355 pcm
Flats £608 pcm
£1,232 pcm
£1,725 pcm
£1,651 pcm
£2,197 pcm
All £588 pcm
£1,201 pcm
£1,234 pcm
£1,736 pcm
£2,352 pcm

Fun facts for CV1

Highest value in CV1
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Canal View £334,199
St. Patricks Road £321,481
Rodyard Way £314,279
The Moorings £300,644
Peckstone Close £290,521
Highest turnover in CV1
Highest turnover streets Turnover
Worsdell Close 33.3%
Quarryfield Lane 27.8%
Terry Road 25.0%
Pipkin Court 21.1%
Bushelton Close 20.0%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
Matthew James Property Services, CV1 on +44 24 7662 0315 * (local rate)

Monthly running costs Beta

£2,941 Monthly total


Gas £50 Electricity £66 Estimated energy cost £116/mo

Similar properties could save up to £283

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Energy costs explained

The estimated energy cost for this property has been calculated using actual energy usage data for a property of this type, number of bedrooms and region.

Estimated consumption

Gas: 23600 kWh/year
Electricity: 4900 kWh/year

Source: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework


Rental cost £2,825 /mo

Some bills are included.
Contact the agent for details.

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Interest rate 1.5
Repayment term 35
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Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

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Property descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Matthew James Property Services, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Matthew James Property Services for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.

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