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Parking/garage to rent

£140 pcm (£32.31 pw)

Telford Road, Edinburgh EH4

Parking/garage to rent
Interested in this property? Call +44 131 268 9829 * or Request Details

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Property features

  • Garage
  • Ground Floor

Property description

Garage to-let:
Ideal storage for a tradesmen to store / run their business from.
£140pcm, lease will be set up with only a 28 day notice period if you wish to leave.

7ft in height
17.5ft length
9.5ft width

Deposit: £280
Landlord registration: 535442/230/12122

Property info

  • Available immediately
  • Unfurnished

Property value data/graphs for EH4

Property type Avg. current value Avg. £ per sq ft. Avg. # beds Avg. £ paid (last 12m)
Detached £1,082,596 £336 3.9 £711,631
Semi-detached £411,505 £314 3.1 £440,331
Terraced £590,558 £342 3.1 £461,862
Flats £387,088 £336 2.2 £311,752

Current asking prices in EH4

Average: £422,055
Avg. current asking prices in EH4
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £350,995
Flats £268,841
All £272,413

Current asking rents in EH4

Average: £1,511 pcm
Avg. current asking prices in EH4
Property type 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5 beds
Houses £1,181 pcm
£1,341 pcm
£1,956 pcm
£2,994 pcm
£5,997 pcm
Flats £1,117 pcm
£1,462 pcm
£1,816 pcm
£3,954 pcm
All £1,121 pcm
£1,456 pcm
£1,854 pcm
£3,634 pcm
£5,997 pcm

Fun facts for EH4

Highest value in EH4
Highest value streets Zed-Index
Ravelston Dykes £1,192,100
Belgrave Crescent £1,115,379
Barnton Avenue West £1,111,773
Barnton Gardens £1,096,651
Ravelston Dykes Road £1,042,329
Highest turnover in EH4
Highest turnover streets Turnover
Sharp Street 181.8%
Heath Walk 100.0%
Meadowsweet Drive 75.7%
Brighouse Park Drive 68.8%
Marrow Street 64.3%
Arrange Viewing

For more information about this property, please contact
CP Property, EH22 on +44 131 268 9829 * (local rate)

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